5 Remedies for Common Dog Illnesses​

As a dog owner, witnessing your furry friend under the weather can be distressing. While professional veterinary care is essential, there are instances where you can provide at-home remedies to ease your dog’s discomfort. Here are five home remedies for common dog illnesses that can offer relief and support their recovery.

1. Upset Stomach:

If your dog is experiencing gastrointestinal distress, a bland diet can often do wonders. Boiled chicken or lean ground turkey mixed with plain rice is easy on the stomach and helps alleviate digestive issues. Additionally, consider adding a tablespoon of plain, unsweetened yogurt with live cultures to promote healthy gut bacteria.

2. Itchy Skin:

Dry or itchy skin is a common concern for dogs, especially in certain seasons. Coconut oil can be a soothing remedy. Apply a small amount to your hands and gently massage it into your dog’s skin and coat. The anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties of coconut oil can help relieve itching and promote healthier skin. Ensure your dog doesn’t ingest excessive amounts if they decide to groom themselves.

3. Coughing and Respiratory Issues:

For mild respiratory issues, a steam treatment can be beneficial. Create a steamy environment in your bathroom by running a hot shower. Sit with your dog in the bathroom for 10-15 minutes, allowing them to breathe in the warm, moist air. This can help soothe their respiratory tract and ease coughing. Ensure the water temperature is comfortable and never leave your dog unattended.

4. Ear Infections:

Ear infections can cause discomfort for dogs, and a simple homemade solution can offer relief. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and use a clean cloth or cotton ball to gently clean your dog’s ears. This solution helps maintain the ear’s pH balance and can prevent the growth of bacteria or yeast. However, if the infection persists or worsens, consult your veterinarian for a thorough examination.

5. Minor Wounds and Cuts:

For minor cuts or wounds, a homemade saline solution can aid in cleaning and disinfecting. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and use a clean cloth or cotton ball to gently clean the affected area. Be mindful of your dog’s reaction, and if the wound appears severe or shows signs of infection, seek professional veterinary care promptly.

6: Important Considerations:

While these home remedies can offer relief for mild conditions, it’s crucial to know your dog’s limits and when to seek professional veterinary advice. If symptoms persist, worsen, or if you’re unsure about the severity of the illness, consult your veterinarian promptly. Additionally, always ensure your dog has access to fresh water, a balanced diet, and a comfortable environment conducive to healing.


Being equipped with knowledge of these home remedies can empower you as a dog owner to provide immediate care and comfort to your canine companion. However, remember that these remedies are not substitutes for professional veterinary care. Regular check-ups and open communication with your veterinarian are essential for maintaining your dog’s health and well-being.

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